Commands list:

!buy - Bring up the buy menu
!heal - Buy a full heal
!ammo - Fully replenish your ammo
!laser - Buy a Laser Sight
!repeatbuy or !rebuy - Buy the last item you purchased through the buy menu
!sendpoints or !sp [name] [amount] - Send the specified amount of points to the specified player
!needpoints or !np [amount] - Announces to your team how much points you need
!teampoints or !tp - Brings up a panel to see who on your team has what amount of points and if they have opened the buy menu or not
!jointeam - Join a team (only used in spectators)
!teams - Brings up the teams list
!infected - Join the Infected Team
!survivors - Join the Survivor Team
!votescramble - Request a vote scramble. Needs 3 people to start a vote
!rank - View your stats rank
!top10 - View the top ten players on the server
!votekick - Votekick a player. A menu will appear to choose the player you want to votekick
!nextc - Tells you what the next campaign is going to be. Needs to be a finale map for it to tell you.
!stuck - Use this if you're stuck. If you are stuck you will be teleported to the last checkpoint your team has reached
!skiptank or !tankskip - Used for when you buy a Tank and are waiting to spawn in as one. It's used to skip your turn to be a tank
!ready or !r - Used to ready up at the start of a round

Other Stuff:
-Hold your USE button (Default: E) while incapped to revive yourself. You must have pills or adrenaline to do this.
-As a ghost infected, press RELOAD key to ghost pounce
-Press your ZOOM key to change your infected class as a ghost

Community/Server Rules
Achievement List